Kuliongoza taifa kubwa kama Marekani kwa miaka minane mfululizo si kazi ndogo, Barack Obama anastahili mapumziko marefu.
Na hakika anafurahia kila sekunde ya mapumziko hayo wakati Wamerakani kibao wakiona joto ya jiwe chini ya utawala wa kibabe wa Donald Trump.
Obama na mkewe, Michelle Obama, walienda kupimzika British Virgin Islands, ambako mwenyeji wao ni bilionea wa UK, Richard Branson, CEO wa Virgin Group. Jumanne hii, Branson aliweka post kwenye blog yake ikimuonesha akimfundisha Obama mchezo wa maji, kitesurf.
“Being the former president of America, there was lots of security around, but Barack was able to really relax and get into it,” ameandika Branson.
Kwenye picha hizo, Obama anaonekana ni mtu mwenye furaha kubwa. Msanii wa Marekani, Monica Brown ameweka picha hizo Instagram na kuandika:
That look you give after they treated you like crap, talked about you, never appreciated anything you did…. Then realized you were the best thing that ever happened #ShowAppreciation #NowTheyreBeggingForYou #HappensAllTheTime #IKnewYouWereGreat #IMissTheObamas #EnjoyYourTimeTho #DontMindUs LOL & Crying …..
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